Welcome to the World Animal Protection community

We are thrilled that you have joined us. Watch our short video to get to know us better.

With supporters like you, World Animal Protection can tackle the root causes of animal suffering, so that we can make the biggest difference to the greatest number of animals.

To accomplish this, we base our work on robust evidence, move governments and corporations to commit to better welfare and put animal sentience at the heart of our work to support global campaigning efforts.

Watch some of the incredible things supporters like you have achieved:

Right now, we’re prioritizing issues where we can transform the lives of the greatest number of animals. Learn more about our program work and explore some of our campaigns.

Over 70% of emerging infectious diseases affecting human health originate in wildlife – SARS, Ebola, and now COVID-19.
Wildlife. Not Entertainers campaign
No animal should be abused for entertainment. By working together with the travel industry, we can help end the suffering of wild animals in the name of tourist entertainment for good.
African Grey Parrot kept in a cage
Each year, millions of wild animals are poached from their natural habitats or bred into captivity, just to become exotic pets. Learn how we’re tackling this global issue.
Pictured: Mother pigs confined to a gestation crate.
Factory farming is the largest source of animal suffering in the world. But fast food chains and producers would rather you didn’t know that.
Mother pig looking through her cage on a factory farm - Raise Pigs Right - World Animal Protection
We aim to improve the lives of millions of pigs by alleviating the most intense suffering inflicted in the production system through close confinement and barren environments.
2016 Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare: Companies Showing Leadership on Farm Animal Welfare
Billions of chickens are grown in intensive industrial farms where chickens conditions are inhumane and chickens suffer at every stage of their lives.
Elephant Rides and Shows – Five Myths
Our investigations team has written a plethora of research reports that inform the world about complex animal protection issues around the globe.