It's never too late to make a resolution for animals
The New Year is a time to make changes, but resolutions can be very difficult to stick to. Whether or not you've kept to your commitments so far, it's never too late to help move the world for animals
Every year, billions of animals worldwide suffer needlessly. Chickens are factory farmed in appalling conditions, stray dogs are culled in misguided attempts to tackle rabies, and elephants are beaten so they will take tourists for rides.
Animals can’t make New Year’s resolutions to transform their own lives. Yet we can help stop this needless cruelty by supporting a campaign, making small lifestyle changes, or asking simple questions.
Here are six great ways you can help us make a difference for animals with us in 2017:
1. Create change for chickens
Forced to live in horrific conditions, billions of chickens across the world experience unbearable suffering during their short, miserable lives. We believe industry can help change this, so we’re challenging KFC to commit to criteria which will see slower growing birds with more space, litter and natural light to allow for a better quality of life. Support our campaign to create Change for chickens.
2. Ask where your food comes from
Do you know whether the chicken, cow or pig you ate was raised humanely? How often do you ask where the food you buy or order comes from? Research we commissioned last year revealed that of those polled who ate chicken, seven out of ten (71%) never ask where their chicken comes from. Asking whether the food you eat was brought up on factory farms or in cruel cage systems, and making better choices, helps puts pressure on the food industry to change.
3. Give animals a voice
Animals don't have a voice, but you can lend them yours. From telling a friend about the realities behind factory farming, to filling in a feedback form at your local supermarket, you can speak up for animals. You can also sign the Universal Declaration for Animal Welfare.
4. Don’t support entertainment that harms animals
Your choices on holiday have the power to reduce demand for cruel attractions and save animal lives. We've put together some tips to help you and your friends make informed decisions about animal experiences on your holiday. Read our tips for animal friendly travel.
5. Help us protect more animals
Last year, you helped us protect more than 100 million animals.
You can help us achieve even more by pledging a monthly gift. Your donation could help fund groundbreaking investigations and research that exposes animal suffering, save animals affected by natural disasters, or support campaigns that force change for animals.
6. Keep up to date and help spread the word
Learn more about animals, the latest issues that impact them and what we’re doing to move the world to protect animals by signing up to receive our newsletter or by liking our Facebook page or following us on Twitter.