Behind the smile: The truth about dolphins in entertainment
This report exposes the hidden suffering of dolphins in captivity and urges people to avoid dolphin shows and swim-with-dolphin programs.
Executive summary:
Dolphins are highly intelligent, social and complex animals that belong in the wild. However, thousands of dolphins are kept in captivity around the world for entertainment purposes. They are subjected to cruel and stressful conditions that compromise their welfare and shorten their lives. This report reveals the reality behind the smile of captive dolphins and the harmful impacts of dolphin tourism. It also provides recommendations for governments, businesses and consumers to end this cruel industry and protect dolphins.
Key points:
- Captive dolphins suffer from physical and psychological harm, such as injuries, diseases, abnormal behaviors and high mortality rates.
- Dolphin tourism is a lucrative business that exploits dolphins and deceives consumers. It poses risks to human health and safety, as well as to conservation and animal welfare.
- There are alternatives to dolphin captivity that respect the needs and rights of dolphins, such as dolphin watching, sanctuaries and virtual reality.
- We can all take action to end dolphin captivity by signing our pledge, choosing dolphin-friendly travel options, spreading the word and supporting our campaigns.