World Animal Protection applauds McDonalds’ commitment to source cage-free eggs
Today, McDonald’s announced a landmark commitment to source only cage-free eggs for its Canadian and US restaurants by 2025. This announcement is a huge step forward for the welfare of the 7 million hens that lay the 2 billion eggs that McDonald’s uses each year in North America.
“McDonalds’ announcement today is probably the most significant commitment towards cage-free eggs we’ve seen so far in Canada,” says World Animal Protection Canada’s Executive Director Josey Kitson, “They have the size and buying power to transform how eggs are produced here and ultimately improve the lives of millions of hens.”
Right now, the vast majority of the more than 300 million North American laying hens are kept in conventional battery cages where each hen lives in a space smaller than an iPad. They have little room to stretch their wings or move around freely. However, in typical cage-free barns, hens are able to express some natural behaviours like walking around, laying eggs in a nest box and perching.
“It’s the right thing for McDonald’s to do for hens, for their customers and for themselves. We know that Canadians want responsibly sourced food. More than ten thousand Canadians have taken our Choose Cage-Free pledge and companies like McDonald’s are starting to take notice,” continues Kitson.
McDonalds’ commitment to source cage-free eggs for its 1,400 Canadian restaurants will require a substantial investment from Canadian egg producers. “This commitment provides direction to both producers and other food companies,” says Kitson, “the future of egg production in Canada is cage-free.”
McDonalds’ announcement today is probably the most significant commitment towards cage-free eggs we’ve seen so far in Canada.