Urge fast food giants to keep caged chicken meat off the menu
60 billion chickens are bred for their meat each year, and many are farmed in row upon row of overcrowded steel cages, causing them significant pain and stress. Today we launch Change for chickens - our campaign to help end the secret suffering of factory-grown chickens
We’re raising awareness about the suffering of factory-grown meat chickens. Our supporters are being asked to use their powerful voices to urge KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Starbucks, Nando’s and Subway to commit to keeping caged chickens out of their supply chains. A petition is available to sign now.
Born to suffer
Cages severely restrict chickens’ freedom. They are barely able to move during their short, miserable lives. At their most crowded, two chickens could be forced to share the space equivalent to an A4 sheet of paper.
Overcrowding in these barren stainless steel structures, makes it impossible for these intelligent animals to perform instinctive behaviours such as exploring, dust bathing and perching.
This, along with a lack of natural light and fast growth rates, causes stress, lameness, and disease. Some chickens become too sick to even stand, and can die of heart failure.
“It’s the biggest animal protection problem we face today. The number of chickens involved is just breathtaking; the challenges and suffering they face are enormous.’ – Jonty Whittleton – Head of Campaigns (chickens), World Animal Protection
Global corporates must create #ChangeForChickens
We’re championing chickens, exposing their suffering and fighting for farming systems that provide better welfare.
Consumers worldwide have already moved the egg industry to improve conditions for laying hens. We know the same can be done for meat chickens too.
We’re challenging KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Starbucks, Nando’s and Subway to commit to keeping chickens from caged farming systems out of their supply chains.
Act now
These fast-food companies can make a real difference to the lives of billions of chickens. And by signing our petition and sharing the message, you can help unlock that potential.
Sign our petition to KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Starbucks, Nando’s and Subway now.