Over half a million people demand KFC does better for chickens
More than 500,000 people from over 10 countries have signed our petition calling on KFC to give its chickens a life worth living. We’re in Louisville, Kentucky showing the company how powerful our voices are
Forget the slogans, forget the jingles and forget the clever advertising – the reality for chickens served up by KFC is a life of suffering.
Handing in the petition
Our Change for Chickens campaign and petition, aimed at persuading the fast food giant to use more humane practices in their chicken farms, amassed 500,000 signatures from all over the world.
We delivered the petition on October 16 – World Food Day – to the company’s HQ in Louisville, Kentucky, where the very first KFC restaurant opened in 1940. We're delighted that KFC accepted the petition.
We met with its parent company, Yum! Brands, last week, and representatives said they were passionate about animal welfare and that they're looking forward to working with us.
We'll continue this constructive conversation with KFC, and will ensure that any of its commitments make a truly positive difference for chickens.
It's thanks to half a million of you that we were able to open up this positive line of communication with KFC. Thank you! We look forward to keeping you updated and involved in 2019.
The horrors of factory farmed chicken
KFC sources chickens from factory farms – cramped, barren warehouses, often devoid of natural light.
Most chickens are grown unnaturally fast, slaughtered at just 40 days, when they are still effectively babies.
This industrial, unnatural approach to farming places huge pressure on chickens’ organs and legs. Many chickens live their entire lives in chronic pain, suffering from skin lesions, lameness and heart failure.
That’s why, with the support of hundreds of thousands, we’re calling on the fast food chain to end the cruelty that chickens face on factory farms.
What we're asking for
We’re urging KFC to commit to using chickens who are raised at a slower, more natural rate, and to source from farms that provide more space, light and a stimulating environment. This will ensure that the animals are healthier, happier and more active.
KFC is yet to make a progressive global commitment on chicken welfare and has resisted the call for change. At the same time, nearly 90 food-service suppliers and retailers, including Tim Hortons, Burger King, and Starbucks Canada, have accepted the challenge for improved treatment for chickens.
Chickens crammed together on an indoor commercial farm
A life of misery
Our head of campaign Jonty Whittleton says: “Chickens are the main ingredient in KFC’s global multi-billion-dollar business, yet they are being deprived of their most basic needs and subjected to a life of misery and pain.
“A groundswell of consumers agrees with us – enough is enough.
“We will continue to engage with KFC and other companies to see an end to this heart-breaking cruelty. Our supporters are right behind us, every step of the way.”
Wake up and smell the cruelty
To bring people’s attention to the awful and unnecessary conditions chickens are subjected to, we took our message to the streets.
In early October 2018 we launched an innovative sensory pop up in New York between World Farm Animal Day and World Animal Day (2-4 October).
We showed the people of New York what factory farming is really like, and they did not like it one bit.
Join our movement
The petition is now closed, but you can click here to sign up to our newsletter to find out more about KFC’s response and our other vital campaigns.
People like you will not stand by while billions of chickens are suffering. Unnecessary cruelty shouldn’t be fast food’s main ingredient. Companies like KFC must change their ways.