50,000 people tell PetSmart to stand up for wildlife
We won’t let PetSmart continue to ignore evidence of its role in the wildlife trade.
Earlier this month, we delivered our petition to PetSmart, informing them that a growing number of people are urging them to end the sale of reptiles and amphibians in their stores.
PetSmart is the largest pet store chain in Canada and the only big box store still selling reptiles and amphibians. They are ignoring animal welfare concerns and a growing body of science that clearly outlines the negative impact the exotic pet trade has on animals, human health and biodiversity. It’s time for PetSmart to stop selling reptiles and amphibians.
After every effort was made to meet with PetSmart’s corporate leaders, our team delivered a petition signed by 50,000 people to high-traffic stores across Toronto. With our branded poster and shirts and campaign research, we met with store managers and other staff to share the call for better protection for wildlife.
We know that employees can be a powerful voice for change, and we also know that many PetSmart employees are concerned about the welfare of exotic animals sold in their stores.
We are also happy to share that we received some news coverage from CityNews and blogTO in advance of the petition handover which is certain to help amplify awareness and increase the pressure on PetSmart to respond.
Watch a short video following the petition handover and the response we received from the stores:
We will be continuing to urge PetSmart to prioritize animal welfare over profit and we will continue to reach out to them. We are keeping the pressure on by urging our supporters to also send an e-letter to the President of PetSmart Canada, demanding the end the sale of reptiles and amphibians.