5 quick questions with… A World Animal Protection volunteer
We caught up with Christa Kelly, an animal welfare supporter who has been volunteering in our Canadian office. She’s an inspiration to us all!
What’s your most memorable animal encounter?
Without a doubt, a chance meeting with a Galapagos sea turtle. We were in a shallow area looking down on some rocks, and I was just about to swim away when a huge sea turtle casually and gracefully swam under me and started eating algae off the rocks. For over twenty minutes I floated just 2 meters away while he enjoyed a leisurely lunch, and paid no attention to me at all. It was mesmerizing.
What animal best represents you?
I’d have to go with a dog. The way they’ve evolved to communicate with humans makes me feel like we can really understand each other on a deep level. Not to mention, a life of jumping, running, playing, learning, basking in the sun, and being surrounded by all your favourite people is something that definitely resonates with me.
When you were a kid, did you pretend you were an animal?
Yes, a lion! The Lion King was one of my favourite movies, and I also had really long, at times unruly, auburn ringlets as a kid. With a little imagination, my crazy hair seamlessly transformed into a luxurious mane, so a lion was a natural choice. My cousins and I would re-enact scenes from the movie, but mostly I got a kick out of sneaking up on grown-ups in the house with a startling, “Rawwwwr.”!
Chameleons can change colour and the mantis shrimp can see colours humans can’t. If you could have an animal strength, what would it be?
This is a really tough one. Animals have some incredible abilities that I would love to see humans be able to harness, like tissue regeneration in spiny mice, or the general hardiness of the water bear. But to enjoy on a personal level I would definitely choose the ability to fly. I can’t imagine anything more freeing and exhilarating, and to see the world from a new perspective would be incredibly humbling. It would also be an economical way to travel, all the while bypassing rush hour!
Do you pamper your pets?
I like to think so. I certainly smother them with affection and I offer them the freedom to make as many of their own decisions as possible, but I’m also pretty strict about certain house rules. Having said that, once a pet reaches old-ish age I tend to get soft and let them have their way. My own dog got invited onto the couch for the first time when he was 10 years old! He was pretty bewildered at first, but once he was able to wrap his head around the idea there was no turning back!
How you can become a volunteer
If like Christa you are interested in volunteering your time in our Canadian office we currently have administrative opportunities available. By generously giving your time, you’ll help cut down on administration costs, so even more funds are directed to animals in need. And it would be great to meet you!
If you’re passionate about animals and would like to connect with other like-minded people, please check out our Volunteer page!