Give five bear cubs the gift of freedom this Giving Tuesday

Give five bear cubs the gift of freedom this Giving Tuesday


November 27, 2018 is Giving Tuesday and we need your help raising $40,000 to help five recently rescued bear cubs

Since 1997, we’ve been working with the Pakistan Bioresource Research Centre to end bear baiting and dancing. Recently, five bear cubs, that were being transported to be used in bear baiting and dancing, were rescued from a life of cruelty.

The cubs are now at Balkasar Sanctuary in Pakistan, recovering in quarantine.

Their rescue story

On a remote, mountain road in northern Pakistan, government representatives intercept a vehicle. Acting on information received from our partner, Bioresource Research Centre (BRC), the authorities search the vehicle.

Hidden amongst a stack of boxes are five sacks. Inside each sack is a small, terrified bear cub. When the sacks are opened, it takes a long time for the traumatised cubs to even open their eyes. And, because they’ve been piled on top of each other, the two bears at the bottom have been struggling to breathe and are close to death.

While many bear cubs around the world spend their first years of life with their moms, playing with their siblings and learning to forage for food, these cubs were torn from their families and forced into a horrendous environment all for the sake of entertainment.

Luckily their story has a happy ending. These cubs were discovered before they could undergo cruel, inhumane training practices all for the sake of “entertainment.” They were saved from being declawed and beaten into submission and spared a life of pain and suffering.



How you can help

This Giving Tuesday we have set a target of raising $40,000 to help these five cubs get the food and care they need so that they have a fighting chance. You can help give them freedom this Giving Tuesday.

But the campaign doesn't stop there thanks to one of our incredibly generous supporters. For every dollar you give to help these bears for Giving Tuesday, they will donate a dollar to our campaign work to help end cruelty before it starts so that together, we can protect bears and other wildlife. Click here to make a gift to help these bear cubs.

*All gifts toward this holiday match will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $150,000 until December 31st, 2018 at midnight.

While many bear cubs around the world spend their first years of life with their moms, playing with their siblings and learning to forage for food, these cubs were torn from their families and forced into a horrendous environment all for the sake of entertainment.

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