Meet Sumon, the Dog Whisperer
Ten year old Sumon loves all animals, and he’s a natural at caring for them. When he heard that our vaccination team was working in his community in the Tongi district of Bangladesh he rushed to help.
Lovingly called the “Dog Whisperer” by our team Sumon knew where the dog families lived and offered to help catch them for injections. He clamoured over concrete and iron fences to find mother dogs and their puppies.
His gentle way and the obvious care he took when handling the pups put the mother dogs at ease. This wasn’t his first time. He frequently visited the dog families to check in on them. He was greeted with happy tail wags.

Thanks to Sumon the team found and vaccinated more than 20 dogs that could have been missed. Thanks to your support the Bangladesh government is carrying out a mass dog vaccination program and is developing a national rabies action plan.