Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption policy
World Animal Protection is a global animal protection organization comprising affiliated entities working together in support of an agreed global strategy and bound through collaboration agreements to adhere to a set of corporate policies, principles and values.
- All World Animal Protection staff and ‘associated persons’ – organizations and individuals who perform services for World Animal Protection in whatever capacity, including consultants, board members and other volunteers.
- All World Animal Protection entities.
- Organisations and individuals funded by World Animal Protection or who have or intend to have a commercial relationship with World Animal Protection may also be ‘associated persons’ and are required to confirm their adherence to this policy in their contractual agreements.
Fraud, bribery and corruption are internationally recognised as substantial burdens on the operational and financial processes of organizations in the public, private and voluntary sectors. World Animal Protection is committed to the highest possible standards of probity, and expects Board members, staff and volunteers to act at all times in accordance with the values of integrity, accountability and openness in all their dealings. This policy, together with its associated protocol and procedures, describes how World Animal Protection aims to ensure that it as an organization and its staff actively address and combat the dangers and risks which these practices can cause.
- Staff and other associated persons are forbidden from engaging or colluding in acts of fraud. Such acts include, but are not limited to, theft, misuse or misappropriation of World Animal Protection funds, materials and equipment or other assets; false accounting; false representation; provision of false information; and collusion with suppliers.
- Staff and associated persons are forbidden from offering or attempting to offer, accepting or attempting to accept, anything which could be considered as a bribe, whether in the form of an inappropriate gift or gifts, money, favours, a disproportionate level of hospitality or any other improper advantage.
- Staff and associated persons are obliged to take all reasonable steps to prevent acts of fraud, bribery or corruption involving colleagues or others connected to World Animal Protection.
- Staff and associated persons are required to report incidents of fraud, bribery or corruption. Deliberate failure to do so will be viewed as an infringement of this Policy.
- Fraud, bribery and corruption are likely to be treated as gross misconduct for the purposes of the Disciplinary Policy and in that event will result in dismissal of staff and possible legal action.
- World Animal Protection has a zero-tolerance approach to fraud, bribery or other similar forms of corruption, whether it involves World Animal Protection staff, volunteers or ‘associated persons’ and will investigate suspected cases promptly and fully. It will seek to recover any losses incurred.
- Staff and associated persons or their family and friends should not gain any unfair advantage as a result of their association with World Animal Protection apart from through their salary and/or other entitlements.
- Staff and associated persons must declare any interest which may prejudice, or may appear to prejudice, their requirement to act honestly and fairly at all times.
- World Animal Protection aims to reduce the risks of and opportunities for fraud and corruption by: encouraging an anti-fraud and corruption culture; providing appropriate practical training; and designing its operational systems to minimise such risks.