Pictured: One of the rescued elephants at high-welfare venue Following Giants.

Watch: You protected millions of animals in 2020


Watch: You protected millions of animals in 2020

Despite a year of great sadness and challenge, we managed to achieve so much for animals. Imagine what we can do together in 2021.

You can be there when animals need you most

As we move forward in 2021, there is still much to do to end the suffering of animals globally, and no one can predict when the next emergency may strike where we will need to respond quickly. You can ensure that urgent funding is there when animals need it most by renewing your support with a donation today, or by becoming an Animal Protector with a monthly gift.

Donate now

Whether it is a kangaroo left in the ash that was her home, a piglet suffering from being mutilated on a factory farm, or a lion kept in a small enclosure, forced into a life of entertainment only to meet his fate as part of the lion bone trade - you can be their voice when they have none and stop their suffering.

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